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Wellabe is active on many social media channels. We use these channels to connect with our employees, customers, clients, and friends. We want to create a space where we can create informative and engaging conversations. We’ll do our best to talk about topics that are important to you, listen to your feedback, be transparent about sharing information, and providing our perspective. If you post or comment on any of our social media channels, you are agreeing to abide by our community guidelines, which apply in addition to our Terms & Agreement or other legal notices that are provided by us/or the owner of the social media platform. Because our social media sites are public, it’s important to make ground rules to clear what is okay and what’s not okay. We strive to create an inspiring, supportive, and fun community on social media, so we ask that you follow these guidelines:

Stay on topic

We ask that everyone show respect for other members of our social media communities. We encourage and welcome your feedback, as long that you share your viewpoint in a way that is respectful to us and our community, and is not inappropriate, off-topic, abusive, harassing, or promoting/soliciting third-party sites, initiatives, or products. We reserve the right to remove comments that are not in keeping with our policy and to block or ban users/followers who violate this policy.

Legal and regulatory issues

Because we are a public company in a regulated industry, there are certain topics we won’t be able or willing to talk about here, and some of your discussions may need to be redirected for the same reason. We may, in our sole discretion, remove comments for a variety of reasons. We will remove spam messages, including numerous messages on the same topic.

Response time

We will do our best to moderate and respond to your comments and feedback. We do make it a habit to read all messages, post, and comments. Our accounts are constantly being monitored, checking in several times a day during business hours and occasionally on non-business days. Although we are moderating our channels to help ensure that users post comply with our guidelines, we cannot be responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any comments or materials posted by users.

Customer service

We take our customers security very seriously. Because of that, we provide limited customer support on our social media channels. We will do our best to transfer you to the right area. We do not answer questions that pertain to a specific individual or account. If you have questions about your personal account, we will point you in the direction of a representative who can help. You should never post personal information anywhere that is visible on our company page.

We thank you for visiting our social media pages. If you have any questions regarding your account, please contact our Customer Success team at 866-481-2220.

Last published June 2023