Preplanning your funeral puts you in charge of how you will be remembered. Advance funeral planning allows you time to understand the process and helps you make clear choices that are right for you. Prepaying for your funeral shows your family that they’re well loved by alleviating financial burdens during an emotional time.
Learn everything you need to know to plan your estate — from selecting a power of attorney to creating a living will.
By writing a will, you can be one step closer to having your affairs in order and ensuring your end-of-life wishes are carried out.
To ensure you’re well prepared and your loved ones are well protected, find out what you can and can’t include in your will.
If done correctly, estate planning to avoid probate can help relieve some of the financial and emotional burden left behind after a death.
Wellabe offers life and supplemental health insurance plans to help you prepare for good days and bad. We’ll always be here to empower you to be well — well prepared, well protected, and well loved.
Are you unclear when you hear insurance terms? Our glossary page can help.