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Is the secret to being well the anti-bucket list?

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Wellabe employees follow their 50-plus customer demographic and share anti-bucket lists

Part of Wellabe’s brand language is, “Let’s do more, worry less, and make every day better.” But what if making every day better is doing less and appreciating more?

That’s the idea behind a recent AARP article that has spurred people in Wellabe’s 50-plus customer demographic to share their anti-bucket lists online. As its name suggests, the anti-bucket list is the opposite of the grandiose bucket list that became popular after the 2007 Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman movie. 

An anti-bucket list, or reverse bucket list, consists of actions you don’t feel the need to do at all or don’t want to do again. The goal is to focus on enjoying the simpler, comforting, and some might say mundane, things in life. 

Older adults’ online anti-bucket lists tend to focus on common themes:

  • What makes them happy
  • What they just don’t want to put up with anymore
  • What’s most deserving of the time they have left

Wellabe employees took a turn sharing their anti-bucket list items via their company intranet, and a few common themes surfaced for them, too. 

Don’t sweat the small stuff

Some employees focused inward or on relationships:

I remove people from my life (real life and social media) that don't bring me happiness and peace. Life is too short for joy suckers.

Tracy Chaplin, Customer Success Specialist 2

My anti-bucket list includes trying not to waste time or energy on things I cannot change by focusing on controlling what I can control.

Debbie DeCamp, VP, Chief Marketing Officer

Been there, tried that

Some employees decided certain foods or experiences weren’t worth doing again:

Raw oysters. Yuck.

Marc Patterson, Digital Marketing Manager

I will never jet ski again. Once was enough.

Carrie Horn, Content Manager

Exercise smarter, not harder

Most employees who responded plan to take it easier on their bodies when they exercise from now on:

I've given up anything likely to re-injure my back. It's all yoga, Pilates, and long walks on the treadmill for me these days. And no burpees!

April King, VP, Chief Human Resources Officer

I’m not going to swim long distance. I’ll focus on my walks, yoga, and occasionally run. These activities serve my mind and body best.

Emily Stevens, AVP, Human Resources

I have decided no more running for me — switching to biking.

Michelle Sams, Talent Acquisition and Lifecycle Manager

After giving it a go twice, I never again need to enter and run a long-distance race.

Janssen Judge, Member Integration Partner for Wellabe Ventures

No more riding a bike 75 miles in a day. After trying to train for RAGBRAI twice, I have decided 25 to 30 miles a day is my max.

Julie Pearce, VP, Chief Business Development and Transformation Officer

How about you? What would you say “never again” to in order to live a happier, more relaxing life? 

We’d love to hear from you. Tell us on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

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